Monday, July 15, 2013

A Distorted Heart - Unforgiveness & Revenge: Destroying Them Does Not Heal You - Part 2

I see so many people who spend the majority of their lives in unforgiveness, filled with anger and vengeful.  Some are driven by revenge; some are weighed down by it.  Some use revenge to obtain success, some as an excuse to wallow in self pity.  Whichever way it’s used, it will eventually destroy people - spirit, soul and body. 

There is a program on television about a unforgiving, vengeful young lady.  I started to watch this program and became intrigued by how the main character went to great lengths to exact revenge on those that had hurt her and caused her father’s death.  She is cold hearted, murderous, bitter, resentful, calculating, a liar, cruel, hateful, deceitful, I can go on and on.  Week after week this show had me riveted to the television to see what she had planned for each person on her list.  Her father made provisions for her financially before his death, she was a wealthy young woman.  The father left her with instructions to enjoy life without revenge; he had forgiven those that wronged him and wanted her to do the same.  However, she did not heed his advice.  As she was plotting and carrying out her revenge, she dismissed every opportunity for happiness, hurting and dragging others into her madness.  I was getting frustrated with this chic, so I just stopped watching.  Enough was enough.  I know, I know ........ its television and "revenge" is what drives the ratings.

Ask yourself these questions:  Are you driven by anger and unforgiveness to the point of seeking revenge on those that have hurt you?  Do you secretly plot their destruction, want to make them pay or worse - want them dead?  Are you willing to carry out revenge at any cost?  Cost to family, friends, the innocent? How about your very soul?  What has unforgiveness and revenge accomplished?  Did destroying them heal you?    Jesus came so you can have abundant life, not a dead, cold life weighed down by unforgiveness and revenge.

STOP! You are opening yourself to the Devil.  Revenge and unforgiveness are controlling spirits aimed to carry out Satan's agenda - to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10) - to deceive you, to separate you from God.


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