Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pieces of You

With each sexual encounter, the man deposits pieces of himself within you, both physically and spiritually.  He also takes a little of you with him.  Pieces of you are scattered among every man you have slept with.  Think about it.  If he has slept with others, pieces of them are deposited in you!  Ugh!  The word of God says that in a sexual relationship, the two become one.  You have become one with every man you have slept with and every other woman he has slept with.

Ever wonder why you start to do things that are out of your character?  Something was deposited in you.  What about those perverted thoughts?  What about lusting after a married man?  Rage?  Promiscuity? Suicidal?  Murderous thoughts?  Something was deposited in you.  I can go on and on.  I think you get the picture. 

The word says, "Flee fornication.  Every sin a man doeth is without the body; but he that committs fornication sinneth against his own body" - I Cor. 6:18.

Every man that you have slept with has control over your body and spirit.  I received a revelation of this some years ago.  When I commited my life to the Lord, I ceased all sexual activity.  Now, it wasn't easy at first.  However, you can live without sex.  Although I had stopped the physcial aspects of sex, the spiritual was still there.  There were times when I would have dreams about previous sexual partners.  Sometimes the dream would involve guys I hadn't seen or thought of in years.  Here's what my Father revealed to me:  Each time any of those men thought of me, their spirit searched for me seeking to fornicate with my spirit.  Gross!  I cut off the physical, but I hadn't dealt with the spiritual!

How did I break from this mess?  It wasn't easy for me.  My deliverance involved much spiritual warfare (prayer) and the blood of Jesus.  I spent a lot of time in the word of God, cleansing and purging my spirit.  I knew that I couldn't fight this alone.  I enlisted the help of women I trusted to pray for my deliverance.  It took some time, however, the spirits of those men were detached from mine.  I retrieved my pieces.

You were designed to be with one partner in marriage.  The two shall become one.  When you read Matt. 19:4-6, Mark 10:7-9, Eph 5:30-32 you will see that when you join with someone physically, you become one flesh and one in spirit.  So according to the word of God, many sex partners = many husbands! 


  1. Great blog Kim! Thanks for being so open about such a touchy subject.

  2. Thank you for being honest and for telling the truth. Many women could be delivered by seeing a post such as this.
