Saturday, October 23, 2010

Need a Self Esteem Makeover? Seek Him, Not Them

I am amazed and angry about the many magazines I see while standing in the check out line.  Seems like there is a conspiracy to destroy the self esteem of women.    The front covers continually inform us that we are overweight, out of shape, we need make up, we need to change our style, we're lousy at sex, we can't get a man, etc.  The more they tear up our self image, the more money they make.  Who are these people to tell us who or what we should be?   They know nothing about us!  These peoople are not God!  Your Heavenly Father created you and knows you.  Seek Him on how to improve yourself.  He is the one who will make you over.  Ps. 139 - You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

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