Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Single Parenting: Your Lifestyle Impacts Them

First and foremost, get this in your head:  your children are number one.  You have to put aside your desires in order to take care of them.  They are your responsiblity and your ministry.  Your choices, attitudes, spirit, friends, have an impact on your children. 

Since you are the main parent in their life, they pick up on everything you do.  Children mimic our habits, language, the way we relate to others, our work ethic, the way we dress, our choices in men, our hygiene, yes, I mean everything!  You must be conscience of this.  Your lifestyle will affect your children positively or negatively.  It's not about you.  It's about them.

Think of it this way:  If someone loaned you their car, you would want to return it to them in the same condition that you received it.  Perhaps you would go the extra mile by vacuuming, washing and shining it out of appreciation.  It's the same with children.  God has loaned them to you for a season.  God  has placed them in your hands and expects you to raise them by His word.  Chlidren are a blessing.  Consider your ways.

Ps. 51:10 - Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

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