Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Not there after all!

So, I run into a co-worker at the store today and immediately, we start gossiping.  Afterwards I realized what I had just done!  How easy it is for us to slip into sin!  I had what my grandmother would call "diarrhea of the mouth".  Mess was coming out of it.  Harmful, slanderous, mess!  Phew!  God convicted me on this right away!  Sometimes when we think we've got it together, God shows us that we don't!  None of us are perfect.  No matter how long we've been following Christ.  Whenever we think higher of ourselves than we ought too, God is obligated to show us that we are still imperfect beings.  This was just a reminder that I will always need God to keep me out of trouble!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Power, love and a sound mind.

Fear makes you powerless.  Fear makes you imagine the worse.  Fear is the opposite of love.  Fear warps our perception of God. 

Fear causes you to miss out on God's best for you.  How can you discover what you were created to do if you are frozen with fear? There are so many people living unhappy lives because they are afraid to step out of their comfort zones.  I believe that there are so many wonderful possibilities in our lives, but most of us are afraid to discover what they are.  God has given you the power to take that step of faith.  Fear takes power from you.  God has placed purpose in you through His love.  Fear hides that purpose and obscures God's love for you.  God gives us a sound mind, but fear brings confusion and deception.

God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (I Tim. 1:7)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

God is My Source

I had to call in sick today for work.  The manager on duty told me that she had to enforce the attendance policy.  I told her that I could come in and "spread the love" to everyone if she wanted!  I was angry because I have a good attendance record and I do not call out unless I am real sick.  I have to take care of me.  Then I realized, God is my source, not that job!  He is my provider.   If they wanted to act up, He has another employer in line for me!  His word says that He will not forsake me.  He has already made provision for my every need.  God has proven this to me time and time again. 

My God shall supply all my need, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus! - Phil. 4:19

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Trusting in Him

For years I have confessed and believed God's word concerning me.  However, I realize that with every new step, opportunity or stage in my life, I must renew my mind and revisit my faith.  Doubt, worry and fear creep in, sometimes drowning out the voice of the Holy Spirit.  There were times when I would either move backward or stand still, paralyzed by fear.  In other words, I aborted the opportunity God had placed in my path.  God was not surprised by my actions.  He knew that I would take that step of faith one day, trusting in Him.