Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Power, love and a sound mind.

Fear makes you powerless.  Fear makes you imagine the worse.  Fear is the opposite of love.  Fear warps our perception of God. 

Fear causes you to miss out on God's best for you.  How can you discover what you were created to do if you are frozen with fear? There are so many people living unhappy lives because they are afraid to step out of their comfort zones.  I believe that there are so many wonderful possibilities in our lives, but most of us are afraid to discover what they are.  God has given you the power to take that step of faith.  Fear takes power from you.  God has placed purpose in you through His love.  Fear hides that purpose and obscures God's love for you.  God gives us a sound mind, but fear brings confusion and deception.

God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (I Tim. 1:7)

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