Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fear Looks, Faith Leaps

Hmmm.....I liked Doctora's comment on a previous post - Fear looks, faith leaps.  When God leads us to do something, why does fear take over?  Why do we analyze every possibility of failure?  Why do we make up excuses as to why we're not capable of doing it? 

I immediately think about Jeremiah, the prophet.  In the first chapter (Jeremiah 1: 4-10) God tells Jeremiah he is called to speak to nations.  God had deposited this calling in Jeremiah before he was placed in his mother's womb!  As a matter of fact, God had ordained him to do it!  Jeremiah's first response was "God how can I do this?  I'm too young!"  God proceeded to tell him not to consider his age.  All Jeremiah had to do was to be obedient and the Lord would tell him where to go and what to say!  God also told Jeremiah to not fear the faces of the people because He would be with him and deliver him.  God had his back!

I can imagine Jeremiah's fear.  Can you just imagine the questions rolling around his head?  "What can I do?  I'm a captive just like everyone else!  I'm just a kid.  Why would they listen to me?  What if they stone me or worse, kill me?"  Jeremiah was obedient.  (Read Jeremiah)

Well, I have had the same reaction as Jeremiah.  He immediately gave God an excuse as to why he couldn't do it!  When God directed me to do something that was way out of my comfort zone, I freaked!  Immediately fear crept in and played several scenarios of failure in my mind.  Fear questions everything.  Fear looks for the possibility of failure.  Fear makes up excuses.  Fear paralyzes you.  Fear causes disobedience.  Fear causes you to be out of the will of God!  Well, I had a contract with fear.  We agreed that if anything was uncomfortable, scary or too hard, we wouldn't do it.  I was such a wimp.  Fear was satisfied.  I was always afraid of getting hurt or getting embarrassed.  Fear had me exactly where it wanted me:  ineffective for the kingdom of God.

My disobedience had opened the door to hardship and heartache.  I had to repent to my Father.  I would love to say that I was disobedient only once, but I can't.  I've done it several times!  I have learned that fear took over because I didn't really trust God.  Unfortunately, our experiences with man can have an effect on our relationship with God.  I believed that since man let me down, God would let me down.  Phew! It took me a while to understand that God is not like man!  I can trust Him.  I can believe that Jesus was sent to set the captives free.  I was definitely a captive of fear!

I became set free from fear by being obedient to God.  He placed me in situations in which He was the only one I could trust.  Trust is gained, by establishing a relationship.  As I grew closer to God, my trust in Him grew.  I started to do things even when it scared me.  I knew God had my back. 

I love what Joyce Meyers says, "Do it afraid".  Once God told me to approach a woman and tell her that He loved her.  I was so scared.  My knees were knocking!  Literally!  Well, I did it.......she cursed me out!  I was so embarrassed and hurt!  Walking away, I asked God why He wanted me to do that when He knew what would happen!   Silence.  I was so angry!  Guess what?  I had to do it again!  Not all the responses were positive, however, I got the point.  He was working on my obedience and fear issues. 

Think about all that Jesus went through.  He was not popular with everyone! He made a lot of people angry, but He was obedient to His heavenly Father.

Has fear caused you to be disobedient?  Are you willing to be obedient?  Are you willing to draw near to your heavenly Father to be set free from fear?  

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