Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Love at First Sight is Not for Me

There's one thing I've discovered about love, can sneak up on you at the most unexpected times. 

I do believe you can be instantly attracted to someone, but love at first sight seems shallow.  Maybe it isn't love, but lust at first sight!    Personally, I find it unstable.  It knocks me off my feet.  I can't think clearly.  My emotions are erratic, off the charts!  I can't think, eat or sleep. I become the person I don't want to be.  It does me no good.  It's like being on drugs.  High one moment, coming down from that high.......BAMMM!.  This is the world's definition of love.  Songs and magazine articles praise this type of crazy love.  I find it disturbing.

True love is much deeper and expands over time.  It's time spent with one another developing a relationship based on mutual respect, consideration, support and concern for each other's needs.  This type of love brings peace, removes selfishness, and inspires one to become a better individual.  This is the true love that surprises when it comes, unexpectantly.

1 comment:

  1. This sentiment transcends gender or race and is very refreshing. It puts insight into the failures of relationships between men and women. If we seek to achieve true love then this is the way. If your just looking for instant gratification with no residual effect, then keep reaching for love the same old instantaneous way. Thank you sister for having the courge and wisdom to share this with ALL of us.
